Bed bugs are one of the most troublesome pests that you can encounter in your home. Their bites can cause extreme itching and also cause you to scratch the site uncontrollably. You know instantly that these bites are caused by bed bugs which puts you in a fix on how to get rid of them. […]
Bed Bugs
How To Kill Bed Bugs With Cost-Effective Control Methods
Dealing with a bedbug infestation in your space can drain your finances and energy. This is mainly because bed bugs multiply at a faster rate compared to other pests. Bed bugs have also been known to resist common control methods, some of which are costly and ineffective. Having the right information about bed bug infestation […]
Using Professional Pest Control Services for Best Results
When it comes to pest problems, pest control professionals not only save you the time, they also save you money. Using different pest control methods can prove troublesome and leave you frustrated, especially if the methods prove to be ineffective. Perhaps you have tried doing regular clean-ups, using canned sprays or baits, like most people […]
5 Types of Pests Living in Your Mattress Other Than Bed Bugs
It’s easy to assume that bedbugs are responsible for the itchy bite marks you found in your body in the morning. But, before you arrive at any conclusion, you should know that besides bedbugs, your mattress can be a jungle of dust mites and other insects feasting on dead skin and dried remnants of blood, […]
Here’s What You Need to Know About Bed Bug Bites
A study that started as an investigation into the peculiar way in which bed bugs reproduce has revealed that they have existed far earlier than humans. It’s found out that bed bugs have been around for at least 115 million years, predating their earliest known predators, bats, by more than 50 million years. In a […]
Early Signs Of Bed Bugs : Prevention & Control Tips
Small, wingless insects that feed on human blood, bed bugs are thought to have vanquished forever. However, these insects are making a resurgence in Singapore and the rest of the world as of late. A new strain of pesticide-resistant bed bugs are popping up everywhere across the world with thousands of complaints being reported every […]