
Andrew Yap

Can I Get Rid of Termites on My Own?

In this digital age where almost everything is available online, you may believe that you can save on labour costs by doing things yourself—renovation, plumbing, carpentry, and termite control. All you have to do is gather the right tools and google how to DIY everything. Easy, right? The truth, however, is that while going the […]

6 Practical Ways to Termite Proof Your Home

Termites are an absolute nightmare for many Singapore homeowners. They are major inconveniences that pose health risks and safety hazards not to mention, cause extensive structural damage that can cost thousands of dollars in repair. Unlike any other pests, which damages can be easily addressed, dealing with termites can be far more difficult as they […]

How Fast Can Termites Destroy Your Home? Here’s The Pesty Truth

Termites are the nightmare of homeowners. They can cause extensive damage to the structure of your home by eating away the wood in a manner that may not be visible without careful inspection. But, when you see one up close, you might not regard it as something threatening, not when it’s only about an eighth […]

Pest Profile Series: Termites in Your Home

Out of all the pests homeowners may face, there are probably none that are as damaging and costly as termites. Statistics show that these pests can cause up to $1 billion in property damage each year. It’s the reason why it’s crucial to get rid of termites as soon as you confirm an infestation – […]

Pest Off – Seasonal Pest Control: A Guide for First-Time Homeowners

Recently bought your first home? Living in your very first home seems like a milestone in life. You’ve finally achieved your personal residence thanks to sheer hard work. But while you’re relaxing at home, there are some problems you might not have experienced yet. One common problem is dealing with pests. This is a normal […]

How Effective are Natural Pest Control Remedies?

There has been an upward trend in recent years for consumers and business alike to go green and become more eco-friendly. Along with trend is a sentiment that natural and organic products are healthier and safer – if not more effective – than their synthetic counterparts. The pest control industry has responded to this demand […]

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Why Choose Us?

All-in-one quick relief from infestation

Access to professional methods unavailable to consumers

Government-registered premium grade chemicals

Specialised inspection by our professionals to get to the source of the problem

In-house R&D team constantly revise and enhance our methods

Re-treatment within warranty period at NO COST