
Andrew Yap

3 Different Types of Rats Living In Singapore

Rats / Mice which are also known as rodents, are a source of concern since their urine and droppings, as well as the fleas on their bodies, have the potential to spread illnesses. They not only contaminate food but also inflict structural damage by nibbling. Rats flourish in areas with plenty of food, water, and […]

5 Types of Pests Living in Your Mattress Other Than Bed Bugs

It’s easy to assume that bedbugs are responsible for the itchy bite marks you found in your body in the morning. But, before you arrive at any conclusion, you should know that besides bedbugs, your mattress can be a jungle of dust mites and other insects feasting on dead skin and dried remnants of blood, […]

Here’s What You Need to Know About Bed Bug Bites

A study that started as an investigation into the peculiar way in which bed bugs reproduce has revealed that they have existed far earlier than humans. It’s found out that bed bugs have been around for at least 115 million years, predating their earliest known predators, bats, by more than 50 million years.  In a […]

Early Signs Of Bed Bugs : Prevention & Control Tips

Small, wingless insects that feed on human blood, bed bugs are thought to have vanquished forever.  However, these insects are making a resurgence in Singapore and the rest of the world as of late. A new strain of pesticide-resistant bed bugs are popping up everywhere across the world with thousands of complaints being reported every […]

Pest Profile Series: Everything You Need to Know About Bedbugs

If some insects are harmless, others are best in seriously complicating life—and absolutely one on the list are bedbugs. After quite some time of absence, these pests have returned to Singapore to infest homes, accommodations, and public facilities, among others. The thought of these intrepid little insects alone is enough to give you goosebumps and […]

A Look Into the Professional Termite Extermination Process

In our previous post, we talked about how fast termites can damage your home. We discussed that it’s not the rate on which termites can eat away your home that’s dangerous but the fact that the damage termite infestation cause can go undetected for years. At this point, you’re probably thinking about calling a pest […]

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All-in-one quick relief from infestation

Access to professional methods unavailable to consumers

Government-registered premium grade chemicals

Specialised inspection by our professionals to get to the source of the problem

In-house R&D team constantly revise and enhance our methods

Re-treatment within warranty period at NO COST